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4 responses to “Other Videos”
Also the universe isn’t what you think it is. It is able to be observed but we are in a dome and the world is flat.
I want to know where I can study mathematics the way this gentleman does. Does anybody have any information?
I finally found a site that I can relate too.
I have always questioned everything from an early age as well. But unlike you I was raised into religion..beginning with Catholicism until I was about 7. I had the ceremony for first communion. It was around that time my parents decided they wanted to break away from the Catholic church. It wasn’t until a few years later when they decided we would then become Baptist. I was about 11 and I think this is when I began to question why? The answers I got never made sense to me. The bible stories I was told seemed ridiculous to believe them all as actual fact and so I viewed these stories more as metaphors.
I remember always saying…it makes no sense. Why would God send someone to a firey hell for all of eternity just because they don’t believe that Jesus is the lord and savior? What about having heart, compassion, love? Do these not matter. I felt guilty and wrong for not believing what I was told to believe, and scared that I was going to go to hell. When I was 12 my family got ‘reborn’ through baptism. I was the only member of my family that refused to go through with what I thought to be ridiculous.
But it wasn’t until much much later in my life where the answers I was seeking began to reveal themselves to me. My journey has only just begun. Something clicked in my head about 2.5 years ago, when my father died suddenly and my fascade of a marriage fell apart all within the same month. It was like the person I was that was always thinking the regurgitated thoughts and opinions of others died. I died. And I was reborn..not with a stranger splashing water on me but with a heartbreak so painful it broke the mold of who society told me I was supposed to be and I am now in the infant stages of who I have always been. Once I started allowing myself my own thoughts amd beliefs everything became much more clear. I see it now in a way most don’t understand and I can barely explain at this time even though it is simple really when compared to the plethora of religions out there with all of their rules and regulations.
Thank you for sharing your video, it’s so good to know there are minds that are truth seekers. Ive never understood mathematics very well but I love philosophy and will definitely take your suggestion on learning more about it. I’m excited to learn more about Hyperianism as well. Take care.